The RED dots were removed from LEVEL 2 data | Buoy Type: AXIB
Owner: USIABP LEVEL 1 data time frame: 02/11/2015 - 09/25/2016 Original # of records: 7150 LEVEL 2 STATS Buoy Contains Variables: BP Ts Ta Time Frame: 07/15/2015 - 09/25/2016 Total # of records: 6372 # of bad position records: 1720 # of bad BP records: 30 # of bad Ts records: 4623 # of bad Ta records: 5306 NOTES 1. Ta is suspiciouly high. 2. BP compares well with satellite obs at the beginning and end of the series, but veers off in the middle. Data Links LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 |