Buoy Type: AXIB Owner: USIABP
LEVEL 1 data time frame: 05/07/2017 - 10/25/2018 Original # of records: 2865 LEVEL 2 STATS Time Frame: 08/12/2018 - 10/25/2018 Buoy Contains Variables: BP Ts Ta Total # of records: 1230 # of bad position records: 1 # of bad BP records: 4 # of bad Ts records: 3 # of bad Ta records: 443 NOTES 1. Buoy appears to have been deployed on 8/12/2018. All prior data removed. 2. Air Temperature (Ta) values before 8/29/2018 were set to -999. 3. Remaining Ta values are highly variable and are probably not accurate.