
Data Products

FTP access on iabp was terminated on Oct. 1, 2018. Data will remain accessible via the url links provided below. If you need solutions for programatically downloading data, don't hesitate contact Wendy Ermold.

Here are some tips for downloading url data programmatically: Download Tips

Real-Time and Historic Data

Buoy data files are updated daily and made available individually via the links below. Values provided are confined to surface temperature, atmospheric temperature, and barometric pressure when these values are available. All buoy files contain at least a date and position. Buoys that are no longer reporting remain available on these pages:

Daily Updated Arctic Data
Daily Updated Antarctic Data

Note that ALL raw buoy data is located here:
Data files are labeled by buoy id, which is typically the IMEI number of the buoy

Meta data for these data are available via a series of ascii tables located here:
These are ascii versions of the tables shown on Daily Updated Arctic Data and Daily Updated Antarctic Data.

Tables are divided by year of buoy deployment, and by Arctic vs. Antarctic. Here are the ascii tables for currently updating data:

Daily Data Files:

Files containing all raw buoy reports from the previous day are generated daily, and are available here:

3 hourly resolution data is available from 1979 to 2016:

Note that after 2016, data is available only as hourly data.

LEVEL 1 Processed Data

The LEVEL 1 data includes additional variables, and has undergone some quality control processing to eliminate reports with erroneous positions. The header for these files is:

  • Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec => Time for the variables BPT,BP,Ts,Ta,Th,Batt
  • GPSdelay ==> Difference in minutes between the time of the position measurement and other variables.
  • BPT ==> Barometric Pressure Tendency
  • BP ==> Barometric Pressure
  • Ts ==> Surface Temperature C
  • Ta ==> Air Temperature C (typically at 1m)
  • Th ==> Hull Temperature C (inside the buoy)
  • Batt ==> Battery Voltage
For more information, and to download data, visit:
Download LEVEL1 Data