About the maps
Daily maps are generated every morning
- The Arctic Map and Antarctic Map show the last position of all buoys that reported during the previous week, listed in these tables:
Arctic Table
Antarctic Table - Mapped Variables: latest sea level pressure, surface temperature(Ts), and atmospheric temperature(Ta).
- Ice concentration fields are a product available from NSIDC:
Near-Real-Time DMSP-SSM/I-SSMIS Daily Gridded product
product ID: NSIDC-0081.002
Once you have a login, data is available here
Where yyyy, mm, dd is the year, month, and day of the data you want.
- Sea Level Pressure contours are from the NCEP Daily Global Analyses.
SLP data are available via ftp here
ftp://ftp.cdc.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.dailyavgs/surface/ - Surface Temperature contours are from NOAA's Daily Optimum Interpolation SST Analysis
Daily files are sorted into year,month folders here: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/sea-surface-temperature-optimum-interpolation/v2.1/access/avhrr/
Note this page will take some time to load. Data is available back to 198109. - Atmospheric Temperature contours are from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, available here https://downloads.psl.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis/surface/
- Arctic Ocean Buoys can be searched for on the Arctic Daily Map. Search by "Buoy Type" for "imb", "itp", or "uptempo"
Visit the links below to obtain the complete data for these buoys:
Ice Mass Balance (IMB) buoys which measure basic meteorology, snow and ice conditions.
ITP buoys which measure upper ocean temperatures and salinities. UpTempO buoys, which measure temperture down to 25 or 60m, and sometimes upper ocean salinity.